Missing Cashback Steps for Rakuten


STep 2: Go into the store you just placEd an order at.

For instance I just searched American Eagle. I selected the store and clicked shop now!

For instance I just searched American Eagle. I selected the store and clicked shop now!

Step 3: Spend a few minutes in the app. Click on random items. TheN return home.


Step 4: under my account settings, click on missing cashbaCk.


Step 5: select the store You Were jusT in. THen sEleCt conTact member services.


Step 6: Fill in tHe order Info from earlier. Add Your order nUmber anD Subtotal! Then SUBMIT!


That’s pretty much It! Rakuten will hit you up in a day or two anD update Your cash back balanCE for your Missing order!

❀ Sydney