A Save with Sydney Guide on Coupon Organization

Coupon organization is an essential part of couponing! If you’re going to be an effective couponer, it’s imperative that you find a way to organize your coupons. A way that works for you!

The Whole Insert Method

This method involves filing all of the inserts by date into file folder/shelves


  • You’re only cutting out the coupons needed = time saver

  • Great method if you get a lot of inserts weekly

  • Easier to find particular coupons when someone posts a deal

  • Inexpensive… you probably already have the supplies at home


  • Cannot easily see all your coupons

  • May miss unadvertised sales/deals/clearance

  • Most search a database to find out which insert the coupon you’re ISO is in

  • Must have another method for the ones you clip from the inserts

The Binder Method

The binder method involves cutting all of the coupons and organizing them into a binder by date or by category.


  • Easily find and view all of your coupons

  • All of your coupons are with you when you shop so you’re always prepared for unadvertised sales/deals/clearance

  • Easy to see when individual coupons expire

  • Great if you’re getting a few inserts a week


  • Time-consuming… can take several hours a week

  • Not a great method if you’re getting 20+ inserts weekly

  • Clipping all coupons… even the ones you may never use

  • Attracts attention in stores

  • Could be costly with buying binder

The Accordian Method

This method is a mix between the binder and whole insert method. It’s great for if you get a few inserts, but it’s way less noticeable than a binder. It’s also a secondary method to the whole insert method. Any coupons cut from inserts can go in here.

You MUST select a way that will work for you! I personally prefer to file my inserts and only take what I need into the store. To me, the coupon binder draws a lot of attention. Cashiers judge you as soon as they see that binder, but again, do what works for you!

TutorialsAnna Osgoodby